Frequently asked Questions

The global market for cleaning services was estimated at 340 billion euros in 2022. This market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.6% between 2023 and 2030 to reach 520 billion euros.

Our goal is to achieve a market share of 0.5% in the medium term and to grow to 5% in the long term.
Based on our development to date, we expect growth of 10x to 20x over the next 2-3 years.
There is intense competition in the cleaning sector.
Price is the deciding factor and the cheapest service provider usually wins the contract.

The result: poorly trained cleaners who often barely understand the local language and only clean superficially, if at all, under great time pressure.

The problem: cleaning is complex and therefore labour-intensive. This leads to a high level of administrative and organisational tasks that tie up additional staff capacity and cause high ancillary costs.

Because cleaning is cognitively and motorically demanding, even the latest technologies cannot replace cleaning staff, but they can take care of the expensive and time-consuming ancillary tasks.

They can also guide cleaning staff autonomously, provide targeted support, monitor quality in real time and avoid downtime.
This would save considerable resources and costs and the money saved could be used to pay cleaners better and enable efficient cleaning.

This would also make the cleaning profession more attractive for many people and counteract the chronic staff shortage that is severely affecting many companies - a win-win situation.

To summarise, we want to solve the following problems:
- Make cleaning cost-efficient
- automation - Improve quality
- Create jobs
First and foremost, we are a think tank and focus on developing and patenting new technologies and systems.
This ensures that we don't rest on our laurels, but are constantly developing new innovations.

At the same time, we are developing a platform that will organise, control and manage the daily cleaning needs of companies in all sectors and industries via a mobile app.

We earn money through licences and cooperations.
We also develop customised technologies and solutions for medium-sized and large companies.
Cleaning and facility service providers as well as government institutions and companies from all sectors and industries that utilise cleaning services or employ their own cleaning staff.

- B2B
- B2G
- B2C (medium term)
No! Automation will actually reduce costs.
In a highly competitive environment, companies usually try to succeed by offering the lowest price.
In an industry in which 72 to 87 per cent (in Germany) of service costs are personnel costs, this results in low wages.

Traditional cleaning services have long since reached the limits of what is possible, to the detriment of cleaning staff and cleaning quality.
Automation enables cost-efficient cleaning and better pay for cleaning staff.
What's more, the hardware is getting better and cheaper with ongoing development.
Some companies have already recognised the enormous potential and are trying to imitate our solution.
However, they cannot use key functions as we have a monopoly on them thanks to patents granted worldwide.

If other companies were to infringe our patents, this would provide us with an additional source of income.
Our qualification for success is based on several decisive factors.
In addition to a strong business idea, our main focus is on the people who drive our company forward.

We carefully select our employees, prioritising experience, expertise and strategic skills.
We also incentivise our strategic employees through target- and performance-based remuneration.
Given the complexity of the business environment, AR-Check places great importance on building and maintaining strategic partnerships. Together, these factors ensure our sustainable success.
The minimum investment is EUR 50,000, which may vary depending on the country and legal regulations.
Via an exit, probably an IPO in the USA, as a result of which you can realise profit withdrawals.
Get in touch with us so that we can get to know each other and discuss common interests.
If the assessment is positive, we will sign an investment agreement together that will make you a shareholder in our startup.
Then feel free to contact us.